On Thu, 09 Dec 2010 09:01:59 -0800, Dan Freeman <***@dfapam.com> wrote:
:Dan Musicant brought next idea :
:> On Wed, 08 Dec 2010 12:34:16 -0800, Dan Freeman <***@dfapam.com> wrote:
:>> I don't think there's any particular list since everyone will use a
:>> different set of addons.
:>> Installl VFP9 and SP2. Then go over to vfpx.codeplex.com and graze. :(PEM
:>> Editor is almost a must-have.)
:> :Dan
:> OK, I sleuthed my VFP.dbf table, where I tuck away stuff (sometimes it
:> works better than my brain, that's why we have computers, right?) and
:> found this by you:
:> - - - -
:> Understand up front that VFP9 SP2 was one of the most botched product
:> releases in the history of Foxpro (and it's right up there in the
:> history of Microsoft). The original release of SP2 was so bad even the
:> splash screen was screwed up.
:> To make sure you have the "good" SP2, you must start by completely
:> uninstalling Foxpro. Blow it all away. Then:
:> * Install Foxpro (no SP, or SP1 only)
:> * Download the *current* SP2 installer and install it
:> Then go here and get the THREE hotfixes:
:> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vfoxpro/bb264582.aspx
:> Then go to vfpx.codeplex.com and get the community-corrected help file
:> to regain the ability to search help.
:> Then you're good to go.
:> Dan Freeman
:> - - - -
:> That's what I was thinking of. Is that still "current" and up to date?
:> Looks similar to what you wrote above. Thanks!
:> Dan
:> PS That was late October of last year, 2009 in this newsgroup.
:> Email: dmusicant at pacbell dot net
:I'd forgotten about the hotfixes but, yeah, that's pretty much the lot.
:Note that the hotfixes were for (IIRC) obscure reporting bugs that will
:only show up if you push the RW *real* *hard*. Not really urgent, but
:Murphy will see to it you need them if you don't install them.
I don't believe in Murphy, but I installed them anyway, one, two, three.
Seemed silly, not just because the fixes were for things I'm extremely
not likely to miss but because overwriting the VFP9.exe file, the
runtime file and those two DLL's 3 times seems idiotic in the extreme.
It would only make sense if you needed a feature not offered in the
previous ones and could forgo a feature only a previous one offered but
preferred the one(s) in the latter. Wacky! MS must have told the
developers they had 6 hours to do it, period. Very shoddy for MS,
utterly weird.
Email: dmusicant at pacbell dot net