Post by HerbertDBIs storing tables in a web server and accessed by FoxPro application
over the Internet possible? Can you point me to a nice article about
this. Thanks
There are so many ways one could implement that...
One way: a VFP dll which offers methods to access tables, then you use ASP
under IIS to receive the calls from the clients so that ASP calls the DLL
and gets the data.
Or a webservice, which again is a VFP dll (better a mtdll) hosted in IIS,
which receives calls and answers serving data to the invokers out there.
Or some kind of VPN based file sharing sustyem.
It mostly depends on what are you going to do with those "tables in a web
server and accessed by FoxPro application over the Internet". Will this be a
web-application or just a classic client-server application where data
should be over the internet? Why this: is it a distributed servers
Regarding Linux: a Samba shared folder can contain vfp tables and then the
LAN PC using a VFP application under windows can access the tables, but '0m
talking LAN. If you want to go the internet way, you should again think
about VPS's and theyr pro's and con's.
Villi Bernaroli, Italy
VFP, SOAP, MS SQLserver, MySQL, Oracle