Using common programs in different versions of VFP
(too old to reply)
Demetrios Panayotakopoulos
2010-05-04 10:31:15 UTC

Is possible to include in some programs commands that would be ignored
or taken into account based on vfp vesrion during compilation?

For example
MessageBox in VFP takes 3 parameterers and in VFP 9 takes 4 parameters.
If I try to use a common program that calls MessageBox with 4 parameters
and try to compile it with VFP 6 reports an error.

Is it possible to bypass this problem without using different versions
of the program based on VFP version.

Demetrios, Greece
2010-05-04 13:09:20 UTC
Hi Demetrios.

Yes, but you have to use conditional compilation using #IF. For example:

#define clVFP9 version(5) = 900

#if clVFP9
messagebox(parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4)
messagebox(parm1, parm2, parm3)


Demetrios Panayotakopoulos wrote:

Using common programs in different versions of VFP


Is possible to include in some programs commands that would be ignore
or taken into account based on vfp vesrion during compilation

For exampl
MessageBox in VFP takes 3 parameterers and in VFP 9 takes 4 parameters
If I try to use a common program that calls MessageBox with 4 parameter
and try to compile it with VFP 6 reports an error

Is it possible to bypass this problem without using different version
of the program based on VFP version

Demetrios, Greece

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Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
BOOK REVIEW: Effective C#, Second Edition [Addison Wesley]
Demetrios Panayotakopoulos
2010-05-05 03:44:09 UTC
Hi Doug,

Thank you so much.

Demetrios, Greece
Post by unknown
Hi Demetrios.
#define clVFP9 version(5) = 900
#if clVFP9
messagebox(parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4)
messagebox(parm1, parm2, parm3)
Using common programs in different versions of VFP
Is possible to include in some programs commands that would be ignored
or taken into account based on vfp vesrion during compilation?
For example
MessageBox in VFP takes 3 parameterers and in VFP 9 takes 4 parameters.
If I try to use a common program that calls MessageBox with 4 parameters
and try to compile it with VFP 6 reports an error.
Is it possible to bypass this problem without using different versions
of the program based on VFP version.
Demetrios, Greece
Submitted via EggHeadCafe - Software Developer Portal of Choice
BOOK REVIEW: Effective C#, Second Edition [Addison Wesley]