On Sun, 21 Nov 2010 07:37:32 -0800, Dan Freeman <***@dfapam.com> wrote:
:After serious thinking Dan Musicant wrote :
:> I just installed VFP 9 on a "new" machine running Win7 64 bit, and I'm
:> the administrator. I'm not allowed to save changes to PRGs. What's up?
:> Email: dmusicant at pacbell dot net
:Sounds like you're saving in a "protected" location. Don't save prg
:files in %Program Files%.
:I run various versions of VFP in 64Bit Win7 every day.
Yes, I'm in the habit of keeping two programmables in the HOME()
directory. Config.fpw, which AFAIK normally DOES reside in HOME(). I
began by trying to make an edit in that and I couldn't until I closed
VFP 9 and opened it in Notepad. I have another PRG there that does a few
things, most importantly setting my paths, pathset.prg. It was when I
couldn't edit that in VFP that I threw in the towel and posted. Thanks
for the info. Am I going to have to:
1. Edit config.fpw with notepad?
2. Keep my pathset.prg out of HOME()?
Email: dmusicant at pacbell dot net