Post by Villi BernaroliPost by Gene WirchenkoPost by Francktry RAT() function witch return de start position of the last
occurrence of searched string.
Well, this is nice. "gene" is a short form for "general", *and*
I was born in a Chinese Year of the Rat.
Did you keep into account the differing starting day of the chinese
calendar? I believed I was a Rat till some years ago, when I discovered that
in 1972 the chinese year started after my birthday so I'm in the previous
year, the Wild Boar.
Yes, my birthday is in November so I am not affected. Your
birthday must be in January or February.
I have a Chinese friend whose birthday is February 4.
Occasionally, it is chinese New Year's Day. Because the Chinese
calendar is a lunar calendar, some years have twelve months and some
have thirteen. It is possible some Chinese years for her not to have
a birthday or for her to have two. By having a birthday, I mean that
February 4 occurs during a given Chinese year.
And we worry about February 29!
Post by Villi BernaroliI love polenta with wild boar stew :)
That reminds me of a Far Side cartoon. One chicken is feeding
chicken soup to an ill chicken. "Quit complaining and eat
it!...number one, chicken soup is good for the flu--and number two,
it's nobody we know." See it at
Foxburgers, anyone?
Gene Wirchenko